Serving in Our Homes

I was reading a devotional about how people are ranking others with ‘top-ten’ or ‘hall of fame’ or ‘most popular’ lists. ‘We tend to brush away those who are at our ‘feet’’, is a quote from this book. Anyways, I’m going to start a series on the Top-Ten Ways We Can Serve: First up, serving in our homes.


1.       Make an individual’s bed, complete with stuffed animals and bedding

2.       Do laundry

3.       Make dinner

4.       Dust

5.       Write a note to someone

6.       Clean the mirrors

7.       Take a dry-erase marker and write encouraging quotes or verses on the mirrors

8.       Help someone with their homework

9.       Rake the yard, or mow

10.   Set out food for birds


Hope you can do some of these things for a family member!


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Introducing... Charis Rae!

I'm so honored to be a part of Charis Rae's blog launch (a.k.a. Grace from The Girl Upstairs), and here it is!