Actually, not everyone should know, but....
You're probably thinking I'll say something about writing or photography, because those are my 'things'.
But it's not about either of those things - it's something that will hopefully help improve your blog and it's super duper easy!
Ready to get started?
First of all, look around ALIML.
If you hover over a photo, you'll see little buttons pop up over the picture (as seen in above photo) with three options to share: Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
If your attention happens to drift to the right, you'll see a blue sidebar with even more options to share, with a verse reference at the top. With a click of a button, you can share what you're reading on Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, Pinterest, Wordpress, Blogger, or email it to a friend. And if that's not enough, you can click on the bottom one to choose from even more sharing options! Cool, huh?
If you scroll and read a while, you'll see a little popup form appear on the screen.
It reads:
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Another awesome feature of what I'm going to tell you guys!
Well, wait a post.
~ Light4theLord
Aaaaah, suspense!! ;)