A Blogging Secret Everyone Should Know

Actually, not everyone should know, but....

You're probably thinking I'll say something about writing or photography, because those are my 'things'.
But it's not about either of those things - it's something that will hopefully help improve your blog and it's super duper easy!
Ready to get started?
First of all, look around ALIML.
If you hover over a photo, you'll see little buttons pop up over the picture (as seen in above photo) with three options to share: Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
If your attention happens to drift to the right, you'll see a blue sidebar with even more options to share, with a verse reference at the top. With a click of a button, you can share what you're reading on Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, Pinterest, Wordpress, Blogger, or email it to a friend. And if that's not enough, you can click on the bottom one to choose from even more sharing options! Cool, huh?
If you scroll and read a while, you'll see a little popup form appear on the screen.
It reads:
 Don't miss out on another ALIML post again!
Any time another post is on ALIML, you'll get notified! Sign up today!
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Another awesome feature of what I'm going to tell you guys!
Well, wait a post.
~ Light4theLord

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaah, suspense!! ;)



Introducing... Charis Rae!

I'm so honored to be a part of Charis Rae's blog launch (a.k.a. Grace from The Girl Upstairs), and here it is!