Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.
- Hebrews 13:7 -
I realize that I have been so incredibly and generously blessed by people in my life.
I've had the amazing opportunity to be raised in a family that loves God, and to go to a wonderful church where they teach God's Word. I've been undeservingly blessed by good, Christian friends. I've been surrounded ever since I was little by good teaching.
I'd like to take some time today to thank some of these people.
- my grandfather
Almost every Tuesday night, I am able to go and study math (or at least that's what everybody thinks we're doing... mwhahaha... we could be breaking into the downstairs ice cream stash, or snacking on chocolate... :D ) with my grandfather. He is such an amazing, godly man that serves God with his whole being. I want to be like him one day. Any time I have questions concerning God or the Bible, I ask my grandfather because I know that I can trust his answers (mostly, unless it's a story, then I have no idea if he's making it up or not... that's where I got my storytelling from. :D). I am so thankful for him and his impact on me and on so many other people.
- my grandmother
I know that if I need to talk to someone or need someone to listen, I can go to my wonderful grandmother. She's always ready to listen to me ramble on and on and on about dolls, and she supports me in whatever I do. I admire her greatly, for everything! :)
- my father and mother
I know I just did my grandparents separately, but I purposefully put my mother and father as one.
They have shown what true love is by both showing me love and showing love for one another. I know that they love me, always have and always will. I know that they do what is best for me (even if I don't agree all the time. :D ).
They are a great example of the love that God has for me as my Heavenly Father. He loves me, always has, and always will - just like my parents. Even if I disappoint Him, or make a wrong decision, He still loves me. Does it mean He's happy with what I've done? No, not really. But His love is unconditional. It's not a 'Well, if you do this and this and that and this and that and this and that, then I'll love you.' or, 'Keep all of the rules and then I'll think about loving you.' It's the same way with my amazing parents - sure, they're not happy at all if I disobey or do something wrong, but they still love me. :)
- my older sister
She is amazing role model for me. No matter what, every morning she gets up and does her Bible time first of all. We may pick fights and argue (and I may complain about late nights, but really I'll miss them - laughing and talking until our dad comes in three times to tell us to go to bed) but we still love each other... I hope. :D
- my younger brother
We argue the most. We're only two years apart, so we're the closest in age. It's funny how one day we can be the best of friends and then next day wage a war on one another.
But really, he is probably one of the most generous people I know. He almost always share his chocolate with me (now THAT is generosity... :D ) and we have a lot of fun together.
- my Sunday school teacher
I wish my SS classmates would just pay attention. She has so much knowledge that she's willing to share with us, and spends time preparing her lessons. I have learned so much - thank you. :)
- my best friend
I am extremely grateful for such a wonderful friend who is encouraging and just awesome. She serves God, and loves her family (though the occasional Nerf gun war never hurt anyone, right? XD) and is amazingly kind and patient... I wasn't being sarcastic, I promise. :)
Who are some of the most influential people in your life? I am so blessed to have so many incredible people in my life, and I thank God for them!
~ Light4theLord
To God be the Glory
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